1. Previous

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) and Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Regulations for the development of the LOPD (hereinafter RDLOPD) SALA_interiorisme (hereinafter SALA_interiorisme) wishes to inform the user of the website of the policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of those people who voluntarily communicate through email. email with SALA_interiorisme, fill out data collection forms or use any other service present on the website that involves the communication of your personal data to SALA_interiorisme.

ROOM_interiorisme informs the user of the website that this privacy policy contains all aspects related to the processing of personal data that SALA_interiorisme carries out as responsible for it through the website. If the user - after reading this document - continues using the services, they will be expressing their express acceptance of this privacy policy and processing of personal data. Otherwise the user must leave the website.

Likewise, the user is informed that these conditions will be of subsidiary application of those others that on the same matter are established on a special basis and are communicated to the user without limitation through the data request forms, regulatory bases of the contests. announced on the website and/or conditions of the particular services, or any sections of the website, these policies being complementary to the previous ones insofar as they are not contradicted.

The user is informed that any processing of personal data will fall under the scope of the current legislation in Spain on data protection, established by the LOPD and its complementary and developing regulations.

For these purposes, personal data will be understood as any information concerning identified or identifiable natural persons - including email data and/or IP address in the case in which they unequivocally identify the interested parties - and by user, any person. identified or identifiable physical person who communicates their personal data to SALA_interiorisme by email, filling out data collection forms, participating in contests as well as the use of any service present on the website that involves the communication of their personal data to SALA_interiorisme and/or any other form of data communication to the aforementioned entity.

2. Identification of the company name of the person responsible for the file

ROOM_interiorisme informs the user of the website of the existence of various personal data treatments and files whose controller is with registered office in C. Carmen, 6, 46760 Tabernes de la Valldigna, Valencia. Tel: (+34)616 499 815 and address for the purpose of notifications at the same address, where the personal data that the user communicates to SALA_interiorisme are collected and stored.

3. Information on the purposes for which personal data are used and consent

The user who accesses the SALA_interiorisme website is not obliged to provide personal information for the use of the site, therefore, any data communication for such purposes will be done because the user has voluntarily decided to browse or use personalized services. Therefore, sending an email to SALA_interiorisme as well as the communication by the user to SALA_interiorisme of any other personal data through any means entails or implies the provision of their free, unequivocal, specific, informed and express consent for the processing. of your personal data by SALA_interiorisme.

However, SALA_interiorisme also has - in particular and without limitation - forms for requesting personal data and/or other systems for obtaining information for users to subscribe to particular services on the website such as:

The application for employment at SALA_interiorisme, which is conditional on prior registration through the form enabled for such purposes. The data provided by the user will be processed by SALA_interiorisme with the purpose of involving them in the selection processes carried out by the entity.

Sending comments, complaints and/or suggestions through the “Help us improve” form.

A mailbox for suppliers and/or potential suppliers of SALA_interiorisme through which they can voluntarily contact the department responsible for SALA_interiorisme.

In the event that contests, events and/or promotions are held, the regulatory bases and registration forms may be published so that users can download the documentation and send it to the entity as provided in each case.

Finally, in the event that the user activates the option to be a follower of SALA_interiorisme on the different social networks in which SALA_interiorisme has an Official Page, their data will be processed for the purpose of managing said space on social networks and making them participate in the different activities carried out in them.

Any other forms and/or services that, if applicable, require the collection and processing of user data through the website.

Personal information will only be used for limited purposes, such as those set out above and/or without limitation, those that, where appropriate, are unequivocally informed prior to the collection and processing of the interested party's data. In this sense, the user is informed that the information that - in relation to the processing of personal data - publishes SALA_interiorisme prior to the collection of the data, will be of preferential application to what is established in these policies.

Finally, SALA_interiorisme states that it generally does not request specially protected data from the user, understood in accordance with articles 7 and 8 of the LOPD as data related to race or ethnic origin, religious beliefs, criminal records, physical or mental health. or sexual orientation. In the event that the processing of any of the aforementioned personal data is required and necessary, SALA_interiorisme will request the express consent of the user to collect and use that information, informing previously, unequivocally and expressly of the purpose of the collection and processing of said information.

4. Identification of the recipients with respect to whom SALA_interiorisme plans to carry out data transfers or communications

ROOM_interiorisme It only plans to carry out transfers or communications of data that, due to article 11.2.c. of the LOPD must be carried out to meet its obligations with the Public Administrations in the cases that are required in accordance with the Legislation in force in each matter at all times and, where appropriate, also to other bodies such as State Security Forces and Bodies, Judges, Public Prosecutor's Office, Courts, Court of Accounts or Ombudsman.

Likewise, SALA_interiorisme informs the user that any other transfer of data that must be carried out will be brought to their attention when so provided by the LOPD, informing them in an expressly precise and unequivocal manner of the recipients of the information, of the purpose to which the data will be used. data, and the nature of the data transferred, or where applicable when the LOPD establishes it, unequivocal, specific and informed consent will be previously requested from the user.

Finally, the user is informed that in the use of certain applications and services, such as those related to social networks, it will be the user himself who decides the transfers of his personal data that will be made to third parties, in accordance with those parts of the service whose use allows you to voluntarily share information with other users of the website, all without prejudice to the fact that SALA_interiorisme will describe in detail in the privacy policies of its Official Pages what information is shared, with who and will provide all the information that is necessary under the LOPD and its implementing regulations.

5. Other recipients of information

ROOM_interiorisme warns the user that this entity is only responsible for and guarantees the confidentiality, security and processing of data in accordance with this policy, with respect to the personal data that it collects from the user through this website, not having any type of responsibility regarding the processing and subsequent uses of personal data that may be carried out by third-party information society service providers who may access such data due to the provision of their services or the exercise of their activity.

Third party providers of information society services will be understood - without limitation - to those natural or legal persons that provide the following services: (i) Transmission over a communication network of data provided by the recipients of the service. (ii) Access services to the aforementioned network. (iii) Data storage or hosting services. (iv) Provision of content or information. (v) Social network service providers.

Likewise, SALA_interiorisme is not responsible for the data processing carried out by third parties that establish hyperlinks with SALA_interiorisme nor for those responsible to whom SALA_interiorisme sends users of its website through hyperlinks.

6. Follow us on social networks

ROOM_interiorisme informs the user that he is present on different social networks, such as Facebook, Scribd, Flikr, Youtube and Twitter, and may be present, in the future, on any other social network, especially those called "geolocation", in which case, the provisions of this point will apply to it. The processing of data of users who become followers of the official pages of SALA_interiorisme will be governed by the conditions provided for in this section as well as those that specifically regulate the operation of the service and are published by SALA_interiorisme. The Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy of the website will be applicable to said data processing, on a subsidiary and complementary basis and as long as it is not contradicted.

In this sense, SALA_interiorisme informs the user that the possibility is made available to them to follow and become a follower of SALA_interiorisme on the different social networks mentioned as well as any others indicated through the SALA_interiorisme website. To this end, SALA_interiorisme has provided on the website the possibility for the user to click on the social network icon and directly access the official page created by SALA_interiorisme, becoming a follower of it. . SALA_interiorisme is responsible for the administration of said pages as long as they are official pages and therefore have been created by SALA_interiorisme. SALA_interiorisme is not responsible for unofficial pages that third users create on social networks. Therefore, the user is recommended to activate the "Follow" option through the website

Notwithstanding the above, the user is also informed that the different social networks in which SALA_interiorisme has created official pages are also responsible for the processing of user data, so access to the privacy policy and conditions of use of the aforementioned pages or, where applicable, of the social network itself, in order to know the information derived from the processing of personal data and especially the conditions and purposes for which the data that are part of it will be used. of the user's profile.

ROOM_interiorisme will process the data of users who become followers of any of the official pages of SALA_interiorisme in order to correctly administer the website, know their opinions and/or comments as well as inform them and make them participate in the different contests, promotions and/or events held by SALA_interiorisme. In this sense, the user is reminded that SALA_interiorisme may remove from the official site any information that goes against the rules established in the general conditions of use of the social network as well as against the provisions of Section 5 of this Policy. . Likewise, social networks may eliminate content that, either ex officio or through a complaint from another user, goes against the aforementioned regulations.

In any case, the user may stop being a follower of the official page of the social network by following the steps indicated in the conditions of use of the specific social network and without SALA_interiorisme being able to intervene in said process. However, SALA_interiorisme reserves the right to create, edit, modify and/or delete the official page without the need to inform the user in advance.

To make any queries regarding the data processing carried out on social media followers of official SALA_interiorisme pages, the user may contact SALA_interiorisme at the address shown below. without prejudice to consulting the privacy policies that SALA_interiorisme establishes for each of its Official Pages.

7. Data quality

ROOM_interiorisme warns the user that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no user can use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so the user must at all times keep in mind that, if they use email, You can only include personal data that corresponds to your own identity and that is adequate, relevant, current, accurate and true. For these purposes, the user will be solely responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage caused to third parties or to SALA_interiorisme due to the use of another person's personal data, or their own personal data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inappropriate or impertinent. Likewise, the user who communicates the personal data of a third party will respond to the latter for the information obligation established in article 5.4 of the LOPD for when the personal data has not been collected from the interested party, and/or for the consequences of not having informed him.

8. Data of minors or incapable persons

If the user is under fourteen (14) years of age or incapacitated, SALA_interiorisme warns of the need to have the consent of their parents, guardians or legal representatives for the communication of their personal data to SALA_interiorisme, therefore SALA_interiorisme requests that they refrain from use the email service and do not register in any SALA_interiorisme service or contest if you do not have the consent of parents, guardians or legal representatives, otherwise SALA_interiorisme will not be responsible for the actions of the minor or incapacitated person.

9. Data update

The user is the only source of information about their personal data, so SALA_interiorisme requests that, in order to keep their data updated and up-to-date at all times in accordance with the principles of the LOPD, they communicate any variation to the data. themselves to the address SALA_interiorisme or by sending an email to the address

The user is reminded that to proceed with updating their data it is necessary to prove their identity by providing a photocopy of their DNI or legally valid document that proves their identity.

10. Exercise of the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of data

ROOM_interiorisme informs the user of the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a written request addressed to SALA_interiorisme at the following address: C. Carmen, 6, 46760 Tabernes de la Valldigna, Valencia , or the one that replaces it and is communicated in the General Data Protection Registry. For these purposes, the interested party must send SALA_interiorisme the written communication indicating the request or right being exercised along with a copy of their ID or legally valid document that proves their identity.

11. "Cookies" and "Beacons"

To ensure that the website is being well managed and to facilitate better navigation within it, both SALA_interiorisme and the web service provider(s) may be using "cookies" (short text files stored in the user's browser). ) or "web beacons" (electronic images that allow the Website to count the number of visitors and users who have entered a particular website and to access certain "cookies") to store and aggregate information. SALA_interiorisme may use these tools to track information on its systems and identify categories of web users by points such as IP addresses, domain, browser type and pages visited. This information is reported to the SALA_interiorisme Webmaster, who uses it to facilitate and improve navigation.

Both "cookies" and "web beacons" store personal information such as names or email addresses. SALA_interiorisme needs your consent to be able to process your information through "cookies" or "web beacons", so if you do not agree with the data processing described and do not wish to give your consent for such purposes, you must reject the cookies". However, it is worth mentioning that in specific circumstances, access may be denied in certain parts of our site to those visitors and users whose browsers do not allow the use of "cookies" or to those users who do not wish to give their consent for such purposes.

12. Security measures adopted in relation to the processing of personal data

ROOM_interiorisme informs the user that, in accordance with the provisions of the LOPD and the RDLOPD, it has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data and avoid alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed, whether they come from human action or the physical or natural environment and that it will only record personal data in files that meet the conditions set forth. determined in the merited Regulations with respect to their integrity and security and those of the treatment centers, premises, equipment, systems and programs. Likewise, SALA_interiorisme guarantees the user compliance with the duty of professional secrecy regarding the user's personal data and the duty to store it.

13. Personal data published on the SALA_interiorisme website

In relation to the personal data that may be published on this website, the user is informed that said data is part of one or more data processing owned and responsible by SALA_interiorisme in which they have been incorporated with the prior informed consent of the interested parties and cannot be freely processed and reproduced by third party users of the website - not even when reference is made to their origin.

The personal data published on the website may be images of the directors, directors or employees of SALA_interiorisme, which are published solely to publicize the address of each department; images of events held at or by SALA_interiorisme, which may only be used by third party users of the website for the sole purpose of knowing the activities carried out at or by SALA_interiorisme or the activities in which SALA_interiorisme has collaborated or participated, being expressly prohibited. any other uses other than those indicated, including the incorporation of said images into files or data processing.

On this website, data on participants in contests and/or promotions is also published with the sole purpose of making known the name of the winner thereof and complying with the principles of publicity and transparency that govern the activities that organized SALA_interiorisme.

ROOM_interiorisme is not responsible for the uses that third-party users of the site make in violation of the provisions of this clause, and in any case any use of the published data that is not limited to the stated informative nature or purpose is prohibited.

14. Recommendations to users

ROOM_interiorisme recommends users to use the latest versions of computer programs for Internet browsing given their incorporation of greater security measures.

Likewise, SALA_interiorisme recommends that users use the security mechanisms available to them (secure web servers, cryptography, digital signature, firewall, etc.) to protect the confidentiality and integrity of their data to the extent necessary, given that there are risks of impersonation or violation of communication.

ROOM_interiorisme reminds users that the Internet is not secure. However, different means exist and are developed that allow you to improve the protection of your data. So use whatever means you can to protect your data and communications, such as legally available encryption for confidential email and access codes to your own PC.

ROOM_interiorisme warns users that whenever they provide personal information online through email, news groups, discussion forums, etc., they should keep in mind that said information may be collected and processed for purposes not desired by users, so SALA_interiorisme recommends users to inform themselves about the confidentiality and privacy policies of the online sites they visit.

ROOM_interiorisme warns users to keep in mind that, unless encryption mechanisms are used, email on the Internet is not secure. Email messages and discussion forums can be subject to falsification and impersonation, which should be taken into account whenever they are used. If the user does not want to publish their email address, they must configure their browser so that it does not leave their email address on the web servers they access.

15. Policy update

Occasionally, SALA_interiorisme will update this privacy policy and processing of personal data of website users.

Any modification of this policy will be published and notified on the SALA_interiorisme website and in the policy itself, taking into account the user that the processing of the data that has been communicated to SALA_interiorisme will be governed by the policies and conditions of data processing. current and published at the time you have provided your personal data to SALA_interiorisme.

In any case, it will be the user's responsibility to periodically access the SALA_interiorisme privacy policies published in order to know the latest version at all times.

16. Contact information

ROOM_interiorisme will gratefully receive any comments that the user may provide in relation to this privacy and personal data protection policy. For these purposes or to make any query in relation to it, the user may contact SALA_interiorisme either through the following email using the web contact form or by postal mail at the following address C. Carmen, 6, 46760 Tabernes de la Valldigna, Valencia

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